Madagascar gained 67 places this year in the worldwide ranking of broadband speed According to a study released by, Madagascar’s broadband speed is two and a half times superior to world average. This study conducted by M-Lab during 12 months in 200 countries is based on over 163 million tests. In a year, Madagascar has gained 67 positions in this worldwide ranking. It now ranks 22nd and stands before France, the UK and the US. Madagascar is thus the best positioned African country in the classification. LONG TERM INVESTMENTS TO TRANSFORM MADAGASCAR’S CONNECTIVITY CAPACITIES This exceptional result is to be reattributed to the connection of Madagascar to the East Africa, Submarin System (EASSy), a submarine Fibre Optic cable measuring more than 10 000 km long and connecting Sudan to South Africa. This leading-edge infrastructure was able to transit by Madagascar thanks to the participation of Axian in the EASSy consortium as early as 2010.The sub-marine cable EASSy is currently East Africa’s most capacity efficient network. Telma Madagascar, Madagascar’s number one telecommunication operator part of Axian group, has invested more than USD 20 million in the establishment of backbone infrastructure on the Malagasy territory. This backbone has enabled the diffusion of a trusty and powerful broadband in more than 900 communes. Currently, Telma Madagascar is engaged in the construction of the regional cable METISS, that will link, by the end of 2018, the Reunion Island, Mauritius and South Africa. The European Union is the project’s lead financer of the project and has nominated Telma Madagascar at the presidency of the METISS consortium. This infrastructure is ought to substantially improve the regional connectivity. In total it required more that USD 75 million and involved 8 regional telecommunication operators. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT At a national scale, Telma Madagascar has been engaged since 2005 in the installation of a Fibre Optical national backbone. This backbone spreads throughout the island: it length up to 5000 km and is organized in 4 secured loops. All operators active in Madagascar have signed a capacity purchase contract in 2016 with Telma Madagascar to access this network. They can henceforth provide their clients with 4G offers, similarly to Telma Mobile which was able to double the number of 4G connected sites in 2016, summing them up to 200. In total, more than 3,5 million people benefit from these technological improvements: firms and more specifically the touristic and agricultural sectors. In the capital city Antananarivo, a redundant fiber optic network of more than 100 km long was deployed. The grid now covers 100% of the administrative and economic zones of the city. Telma Madagascar is a major actor in the consolidation of telecommunication infrastructures in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean. The operator is today engaged in the installation of the Fly-Lion 3 sub-marine cable which will link the Comoros, Mayotte and Madagascar. Telma Madagascar is today recognized as a sectorial leader for its carrying capacity, for its junction solutions as well as for its offers on secure web hosting.
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